My Top 15 Christian R&B Songs
One of my goals for this year was to incorporate more God centered songs into my diet to not only strengthen my relationship with God but also to expand my horizons. I am so happy to reflect on my accomplishments as this year comes to a close. I almost exclusively listen to songs that give my God praise and I know enough songs that I can share a few of my favorites with you all!
Here's a few of my favorite Christ centered R&B songs at the moment (In no particular order) and how they make me feel.
I couldn't fit all of them onto the list but check out my playlists to view the full catalogue:
Tidal Christ R&B Playlist:
Youtube Christ R&B Playlist:
I've heard that when God removes something from your life, He replaces with far better.
When I gave up secular music for a spell, My vision became clearer.
I no longer lusted after love, But longed for the truth.
I learned who true Love really was, now I'm running after you.
- Nataria E.

Mood: Vibed Out